online store

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What will you get by ordering online store development in Echizh?
Online store development in Echizh is
One of the key specializations of Echizh Web Studio is the development of online stores and provision of the whole range of services for the soonest launch of the project and getting the first profit.
If you decide to order the creation of a turnkey online store in our company, you will get a simple and effective business tool. The resource will help you attract new customers, firmly occupy a place in the chosen niche, and dynamically develop and scale your activities.
Dedicated team to create an online store
Developers with 5 years of practical experience, designers, SEO specialists, and project managers who coordinate participants and control deadlines.
Professional development
Clean code, compliance with technical requirements for creating an online store, and security standards for commercial pages.
Marketing strategy from the initial stages of development
Defining promotional tools, and user scenarios, and planning ways to increase conversions.
Adaptive design
User-friendly, clear design by UX/UI principles and visualization at the prototype stage.
SEO at the development stage
Technical optimization of the resource taking into account search demand, basic semantics, and benchmarking results before launch.
Mobile version
Correct page display on all kinds of smartphones and tablets, hit in mobile search.
Maximum testing
Testing and debugging of functionality, usability, compatibility with different browsers and platforms, speed and load testing.
Monitoring of the online store development process
Interim reports and prompt communication from the project manager at the first request, the ability to make up to 3 iterations of changes.
Work for results
Deep dive into the peculiarities of the business, study successful competitors, and offer working solutions to achieve business goals.
Clear adherence to deadlines
We work according to a predetermined schedule, and 80% of our projects are delivered to our clients before the deadline.
Flexible payment
We provide for the possibility of making payments in installments according to a schedule convenient for the customer.
Platforms for creating online stores
CMS-systems for creating a turnkey online store
Online store development on WORDPRESS
Simple CMS on open source code. Has a convenient admin, and a choice of design templates. Has a large number of extensions to connect services, marketing tools, and analytics systems. It is easy to independently customize, add, and remove features. It is used to create small online stores.
Online store development on Opencart
Easy to manage CMS with a wide range of functionality. Flexibly modified with additional modules, and plugins. Easily configured and optimized for search engines. Suitable for large e-commerce projects and small online stores. Recommended for beginners in e-commerce, and small and medium-sized businesses.
Online store development on MAGENTO
The engine is designed to create online stores with many features, products, and high traffic. Integrates with CRM, ERP, and POS terminals. Allows you to create several stores on a single basis. It has marketing and SEO tools. Suitable for large sites and sites that are planned to scale.
Online store development on Laravel
PHP framework with open source code is not limited to the possibilities of modification, customization, and adding functions, and services. Provides high-speed page loading, well protected from external attacks. Processes of authentication and multilingualism are implemented. Suitable for non-standard projects.
Stages of online store development
Five stages of online store development by the Echizh team
Preparing for the launch of an online store is a complex multi-stage process. How successful it will be depends on the correctness of goal setting, adherence to technology, and application of marketing trends.
We study the client’s business and analyze the features of the market niche and target audience.
We draw up the terms of reference, taking into account the tasks at hand, marketing strategy, and SEO at the development stage.
We develop design and create an interactive prototype based on customer behavior scenarios.
We perform back-end and front-end development, integrate marketing systems and SEO-tools, and test functionality.
Rolling out the product to the world, setting up the services necessary for conversion growth, and project support until it reaches the TOP.
Our cases
Nicom Ukraine
Development of a website for nicotine products
Creation of an online store of materials for room decoration
D&P perfumum
Development of an online store for branded perfumes
Black Widow
Creation of an online store of branded products
Creating an online store is a promising sales channel

Now the period of rapid growth of e-commerce provides great opportunities for doing business. An online store is a full-fledged trading platform with a virtual showcase, sellers, and payment instruments. In this case, thanks to the automation of the resource, many processes occur without human participation.rn The prerequisite for the growing popularity of remote shopping is that the use of online sales channels is profitable and convenient for entrepreneurs and buyers.

Creating an online store in Kyiv does not limit them to either geographical or time frames. Customers can be in any locality of Ukraine and make purchases at any time of day, without weekends and breaks.rn Basic business processes will provide the correct structure of the site, product cards, intelligent search, and filters by properties. The main part of interaction with customers is assigned to digital tools: order baskets, chatbots, virtual consultants, and feedback forms.

Advantages of an online store
Advantages of an online store over traditional retail outlets
An online store with well-optimized content and integration with social networks can serve as an effective advertising channel, which expands promotion opportunities and reduces the cost of promotional activity.
It’s not just large corporations that now have an online sales presence. Medium and small businesses are increasingly confident in their place in e-commerce.
24/7 commerce
Expansion of the sales market
Eliminating the cost of retail space
Reducing the number of staff
Realistic profit planning with digital conversion tools
Manage your business from anywhere in the world
Cost of online store development
What does the price of online store development depend on?
There is no universal answer to the question of what budget is required to develop a turnkey online store. The price will depend on several factors. The final cost is always influenced by:
Site scale
Type of CMS
Complexity of technical and creative tasks
Functionality and integrated services
Design requirements
Project realization timeframe
Cost of developing an online store from scratch

The cost of a site developed from scratch, with a unique design and professional content will differ significantly from standard templates. At the same time, most businesses can successfully operate on sites based on simple and concise ready-made solutions.

The requirements and wishes of the customer and the optimal ways of their realization are discussed at the stage of drawing up the terms of reference. The expertise of the web studio specialists allows us to offer different variants in terms of labor intensity, uniqueness, and, therefore, different costs.

Functionality of the online store
Functionality of the online store
The online store is a universal business tool. For its effectiveness in the development, it is necessary to implement useful functionality that helps to attract the audience, sell the product, and ensure that customers return to the site and make new purchases.
Options that improve the user experience

– convenient product catalog
– personal cabinet with purchase history and personal data;
– visual and informative product cards;
– product search on the site;
– selection filters by characteristics;
– shopping cart for quick purchases;
– blocks with promotions, discounts, sales hits;
– quick order forms;
– visitor wish lists;
– recommendations of related products;
– slide rotators with images of popular items;
– FAQ sections with answers to the most common questions about products and services;
– feedback and review forms;
– buttons for content distribution in social networks.
Site management
A closed area of the online marketplace where the main business processes are implemented.
Basic administrative functionality

– intuitive admin panel;
– order management system;
– variants of order, payment, and delivery management mechanisms;
– integration of analytics services and SEO modules.
Turnkey online store development
Advantages of developing an online store from scratch
Nowadays, there are standard solutions for online retailing. However, template pages will not take into account all the features of your business and will not allow you to respond flexibly to the market situation. If necessary, adding new features or making changes to the structure of a ready-made website is not always possible. Launching a selling web page – a serious investment. To make the resource meet expectations and bring profit in the long term, it is recommended to order the creation of an online store that fully meets the tasks and needs of the client. We treat client projects as responsibly as we do our own business. Therefore, in the process of work:
  • we will study the goals of your business in detail;
  • analyze the successful experience of competitors;
  • help you formulate your UTP;
  • develop a strategy and implement program solutions;
  • adapt the site for mobile devices;
  • we will provide promotion tools and teach you how to use them;
  • provide support until the site reaches the top of the search results.
Experience shows that this is the most effective approach for the client. It requires developing a site from scratch, rather than relying on standard solutions.