mobile applications

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Mobile app development for your business.

Developing a mobile app and making it work for your business is an opportunity to scale and increase the number of potential customers.

Mobile applications are important in strengthening the company’s image and increasing customer focus, as businesses have more opportunities to interact with customers. They contribute to the creation of personalized and convenient services, which increases customer loyalty and strengthens the company’s reputation as a reliable partner. In addition, mobile applications open up additional customer engagement channels and traffic sources. They ensure the constant presence of the business in “every customer’s pocket”, facilitating the availability of services and information anytime and anywhere.

So, ordering a mobile app is a strategic opportunity to grow and strengthen your company’s position among your competitors. Echizh focuses on turnkey mobile application development, from information applications about your company, and marketing solutions to enterprise management systems.

We accurately predict mobile app development deadlines. We finish 80% of projects ahead of schedule.
Create an interactive prototype of the application. It’s better to spend 10% of your budget on a prototype than 130% on a product that doesn’t work.
Inform the client about the stages of mobile application development. Summarize 2-week interim results.
Create a payment schedule that is convenient for both parties.
Testing a mobile application. Place it in the market and bring it to the top.
Our cases
Mobile application for pet owners
Status Skin
Server-side and mobile application development
Alchemy Markets
Application development for investors and traders
Developed a mobile app for a market leader in selling fishing tackle.
Development of an iOS and Android app for a gas and electricity supplier.
Wi-Fi AR
AR augmented reality application to analyze the quality of Wi-Fi signal strength and 2G, 3G, and 5G cellular data transmission.
Wi-Fi Heatmap
A program for analyzing Wi-Fi coverage. About 2 million downloads worldwide.
A delivery app for the most delicious hot dogs with a user-friendly interface and quick purchase option.

Which platform to choose for mobile app development?



Android app development requires attention to many aspects. The competition in the Google Play market is growing, so it is important to order mobile app development that can withstand the competition. Also, take into account the peculiarities of Android, such as the variety of devices, screen resolutions, and operating system versions. These require careful testing and customization. Security of user data is also critical and modern encryption and biometric authentication methods need to be applied. Finally, to reach a wide audience, support for earlier versions of Android is needed.


Using the iOS operating system to develop mobile apps for your business provides a long list of benefits, including increased data security and access to a paying audience. Investments in iPhone programs pay off faster than in Android due to the larger number of paying users. iOS has state-of-the-art security and high-quality standards, making it a reliable choice for businesses. To create iPhone apps, our team uses SWIFT (programming language), an alternative to Objective-C. It is 2.6 times faster and provides compact and high-quality code.

Cross-platform applications

The cross-platform app is a program capable of running on both iOS and Android. This hybrid app is available for download on both the App Store and Google Play. Cross-platform apps are created using specialized frameworks, which increases the speed of development and helps optimize the budget, as it does not require separate teams for each platform.

Technologies for creating a mobile application

Mobile devices are used by millions of people all over the world and their number is constantly growing, so the application will immediately increase the profit of your company. We create original and effective mobile applications in a short time.


One of the most popular languages for Android application development. Includes object-oriented programming (ability to choose structure, data type, functions) or procedural programming, depending on the purpose of development.


Swift is a programming language for developing iOS and OS X applications. The created products are characterized by security, convenience, high speed, and efficiency.


Android app development language, but there is a beta version of Kotlin/Native that allows you to create business logic cross-platform. Google has recognized it as the official language for Android applications. Characterized by efficiency, security, and usability


A framework for developing applications for Android, iOS, and Fuchsia. It uses the Dart language, which is used for web programming. It is characterized by high performance and efficiency.

React Native

A cross-platform framework that allows you to develop an application for iOS, Android, and Windows at the same time. It uses JavaScript and the React.js library and has a large number of widgets.

Cost and deadlines for mobile application development

Timeframe and cost

The final cost of mobile application development is difficult to determine without a preliminary assessment of the product. Usually, the cost as well as the development time depends on many factors:
  • functionality of the future program;
  • the platform for creating the mobile application;
  • design complexity;
  • size of the application (number of pages);
  • addition of e-commerce;
  • planned load on the service;
  • type of supported devices;
  • specifics of the target audience;
  • further support of the application;
  • promotion on the marketing side.

Turnkey mobile app development

Turnkey mobile app development is the best option for those who don’t want to bother and are ready to trust developers. After setting only a few parameters and explaining to the developers their vision of the application, the client, of course, ends up with a ready-made product with a built-in management system adapted to the media, by the chosen package of services. Turnkey mobile app development is divided into several stages.

The first stage is the initial stage, which consists of gathering the necessary information and approving the terms of reference on which the developers will work.
Next, the development and prototyping of the most appropriate UX/UI design is carried out, which makes the product more attractive and user-friendly.
The next stage is the main stage because at this stage the development of the application functionality, development and creation of mobile client servers, and APIs, writing code to implement the application behavior, and connecting the application logic to the servers is carried out.
Then the developers start the process of full testing of the created resource, monitoring the stability of work, and eliminating the bugs and errors found.
After that, the release of the application and its full-fledged launch into the network is carried out. Later, the team will help the customer with technical support and promotion of the resource in social networks and search engines.

Questions and answers on mobile application development.

What information do you need to calculate the development of an application?

To calculate the cost of development you need a technical specification with a description of all processes, if there is no TOR, we can help to develop. Prototypes of mobile application screens are also suitable.

What’s the advantage of mobile apps?

Mobile devices are used by millions of people around the world and the number is constantly growing, so a quality app will immediately increase your company’s profits.

What kind of companies would a mobile app be a good fit?

Almost all modern websites need to have a mobile application. This is especially true for commercial resources and online stores. Studies show that conversions increase as soon as a site releases an app.

How long does it take to create an app?

It depends entirely on the requirements for the mobile application, the peculiarities of the company and the resources, as well as the wishes of the customer. Most often, development takes 1 month, after which the process of publishing on Google Play or AppStore begins.

Can I monitor the development of the app?

The customer can follow the development process at any time. Test versions of Android or iPhone applications will be available all the time.

What does the cost of creating mobile apps depend on?

The cost depends on the number of screens in the application and the complexity of the functionality. The cost also depends on the operating system under which the application will be developed, iOS, Android, or both. The final amount is set after evaluation of the terms of reference.

What are the different types of mobile apps?

There are several types of applications depending on the purpose and features of the site: for business, promotional applications, media resources, and mobile online stores. Each type has its requirements for development. The success of your business depends on the right type of application.

What is a VR application?

VR is a technology that immerses a person in virtual reality using special glasses with a smartphone. There are also special virtual reality glasses such as Oculus Go, HTC Vive, and others.

What is an AR application?

AR is an augmented reality technology where virtual elements are added to the real world. The best example of an AR application is the Pokemon GO game or the IKEA furniture selection application.

What are MR applications?

MR is a mixed reality technology. With the help of an MR application and special glasses, a person can see the real world, but with superimposed elements and objects. The cost of special MR glasses is from 2000$. Some of the popular ones are Microsoft HoloLens, and Meta 2.