of the site

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We perform a full range of works on SEO-promotion and promotion of the site, which is aimed at improving the position and visibility of the site on key queries in Google.
100 000 visitor
loads per day our sites can handle.
It only takes 5 seconds
to load our online stores.
20,000 keywords
promoted to the top 1.
1 000 000 000 dollars
monthly turnover of our clients.


Our cases
Gofaizen & Sherle
SEO-promotion of a legal fintech company to foreign markets
SEO-optimization of a landscape company’s website – promotion to TOP 1 of the results
Crypto License network
SEO-promotion of cryptocurrency license marketplace
SEO-promotion of an online fruit store in TOP-5 of search results
Optimization of the corporate website of the consulting company
What is SEO promotion and why do I need it?
3 main components of SEO promotion
Content Quality. Expertly written and properly optimized content for the search engine algorithm will be trusted by users and search engines.
Effective link profile. Trusted resources that link to your site elicit authority from search engines and your position grows.
Technical component. Your site should be fast on Google Page Speed, code-optimized, should be mobile, and adaptive to the new Mobile First Index algorithm.
What is included in the SEO services of a website?

Internal SEO optimization of the site – eliminates errors on the web resource, improves performance, and makes it as effective as possible not only for search engines but also for users.

External optimization is the work with the reference mass, that is, a set of works, the purpose of which is to make your site referred to as many other resources on the Internet. Often, such resources are social networks, portals, Internet platforms, blogs, news and information portals, and sites with similar themes.

Internal SEO website optimization includes:
Connecting all analytics systems to your site.
Analyzing the site, competitor sites, and in-depth analysis of the topic.
Formation of the primary core of search queries.
Formation of a quality site structure for linking and user-friendliness.
Collection of a complete semantic kernel, clustering queries by page.
Drafting the terms of reference for copywriters on the landing pages of your site.
Content optimization: the correct structure of site headings from h1-h6, title & description.
Quality internal linking (SILO).
Technical SEO audit of the site, crawling budget work, and page optimization with thin content.
Point On-Page optimization.
Analysis and improvement of usability of the promoted site.
Work with CTR and implementation of micro markup on the pages of the site.
Who will do SEO promotion for the website?
SEO Manager.
Senior и Junior/Middle Seo.
A team of link builders.
Understand the features and principles of the search engine.
Know the basics of HTML, and CSS.
Know the principles of operation and basic features of popular CMS.
Understand how to work on internal and external optimization of the site.
Can analyze the quality of SEO texts.
They know how to write optimized texts, tags, and headings.
Types of payment for SEO website promotion:
1. Percentage.
2. Comprehensive.
3. Subscription fee.
4. Hourly payment.
Types of sites we promote by SEO:
– online stores;
– lendings;
– corporate sites;
– legal sites;
– medical sites;
– jewelry sites;
– hospitality sites;
– auto-themed sites.
The individual SEO services we do are:
1.SEO website audit.
2. Express site audit.
3. Collection of semantics.
4. SEO copywriting.
5. SEO-analysis of competitors.